Hope is the little voice you hear whisper Maybe when it seems the entire world is shouting No.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Educations Issues | مشاكل التعليم
Educations Issues | مشـاكل التعـليم
أغلب الاسر تواجه العديد من الصعوبات فيما يخص
تربية الاطفال وحصولهم على التعليم المناسب , فبعضهم يذهب الى المدارس التجريبية
والبعض يفضل المدارس الخاصة والبعض الاخر يذهب مباشرة الى المدارس
إلا ان معظم النتائج فالغالب تكون متشابه بعد
التخرج ... وذلك بسبب بعض القصور فى نظام العملية التعليمية ككل
* فيما يلي سوف نحاول القاء الضوء على بعض الاسباب والحلول المقترحة فى هذه المدونة:-
* فيما يلي سوف نحاول القاء الضوء على بعض الاسباب والحلول المقترحة فى هذه المدونة:-
1- بعض القصورفى المنظومة التعليمية:-
- يعتمد
نظام التعليم على الشرح بطريقة الالقاء والتكرار.
اللى الممارسة وتنوع مصادر الشرح والتوضيح.
- يهمل
مبدأ الاختلافات والفروق الفردية بين قدرات الطلاب وبعضهم البعض.
- الانشطة
المدرسية والزيارات الميدانية غير مجدية (إن وجدت).
- عدم
التركيز على الجوانب النفسية للطلاب باختلاف انماطهم واشكالهم.
- المناهج
كبيرة ومملؤة بمعلومات تفوق قدرة معظم الطلاب وعدم تطبيق الانشطة
المصاحبة لكل مادة فى بعض المدارس.
- عدم
تطويرالمناهج واساليب التعلم النشط بما يواكب التكنولوجيا والتقنيات الحديثة.
اللى الممارسة وتنوع مصادر الشرح والتوضيح.
2- المفاهيم الخاطئة عند بعض أولياء الامور:-
- اعتقاد اولياء الامور ان بعض الوظائف مثل(مهندس / دكتور) هى الافضل وتعتبر دليل على التفوق.
- يجب المحافظة منذ الصغرعلى حصول الطالب على الدرجات النهائية وفى كل المواد.
- اعتبار الرسم واللعب وأى أنشطه اخرى يقوم به الطالب بخلاف المذاكرة هو مجرد مضيعة للوقت.
- الاهتمام بالمسميات والشهادات بعيدا عن المضمون ومدى الاستفادة والتأثيرعلى الطالب.
3- المقترحات والنصائح:-
- التمسك بتعاليم الدين والالتزام بـ 'مداومة الاستقامة' 'والثبات على طاعة الله ورسوله' و'سلوك طريق الهداية' والعمل بما فيه من اداب واخلاقيات وحسن المعاملة مع الاخرين ((علموا أولادكم القرآن ... والقرآن سيعلمهم كل شىء))
((بناء الانسان ... أولى من تشيد البنيان))
- التركيز على تعلم اللغة العربية لانها من أكثر اللغات أحتواءاً على المفردات البليغة وذات المعانى القوية وبتعلمها نكون قد اكتسبنا هذه الملكة العجيبة والتى تنعكس على اسلوب تواصلنا ببعض واثراء ثقافتنا.
- التسليم
بوجود بعض الفروق الفردية واختلاف شخصيات ونمط المتعلمين والقدرة على الاستيعاب.
- وضع
ميزانية جانبية لتحصيل المهارات وممارسة الانشطة بعيدا عن المدرسة.
- تعلم لغه
أو اكثر ..مثل كورسات المعهد البريطانى او الجامعه الامريكيه.
- تعلم الخطابه ومواجهة الناس وتقديم بعض العروض البسيطة لاكتساب المهارة.
- تعلم
مهارات التواصل ومهارات الاستنباط وحل المشكلات.
- محاولة المشاركة أو القيام بتصميم بعض المشروعات الصغيره.
-القراءة من اهم وافضل الهوايات على الاطلاق لانها تبقيك على اطلاع واكتساب معلومات ومتابعة كل ما هو جديد...ساعد ابنائك لاكتساب تلك الموهبه والتعود على القراءة باستمرار.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Great Business Ideas You Can Start On Today
You Can Start On Today.
You Can Start On Today.
1. Online Coaching –
If you have skills in a demanded field, start selling your coaching, either online or in-person.
2. Graphic design –
With digital increasing, graphic design is more in-demand than ever, and just needs a computer and basic software.
3. Web design –
Almost everyone has a website these days, and many will need their sites to be personalized the way they want.
4. Website development –
When the client knows how the site should look, you can do the coding and get paid.
5. Ebooks –
This is like coaching but through a book. Self-publishing is so easy nowadays, why not sell your knowledge through e-books.
6. Podcasting –
Get some great topics and interesting guests, and people will pay money to hear your podcasts.
7. YouTube Vlogger –
YouTube stars get money from affiliate sales, sponsorships, and advertising revenue.
8. Amazon reselling –
Reselling other people’s products on Amazon can reap huge benefits for you.
9. Handyman –
As we explain in our full, free guide, handyman work varies a lot, and you can start with smaller jobs if you have few tools.
10. Landscaping –
If you have the basic equipment and energy, you can do landscaping for commercial and residential properties.
11. Home-based Bakery –
If you love baking, why not make a lot at one time and sell them off to shops and homes.
12. Personal Chef –
If you love cooking and others compliment you constantly, set you up as a freelance personal chef.
13. Blogging based on Industry Knowledge –
If your knowledge is valuable, set up a blog. As a bonus, you can begin setting advertising immediately, and as your blog grows, so will your wallet.
14. Phone and Tablet Cases –
Everyone has a smartphone or tablet, and you can take advantage of the market by selling unique cases.
15. Affiliate Sales –
Anytime anyone buys a product through a link on your site, you get a percentage of sales.
16. Virtual Assistant –
VAs are needed throughout the business world to do the more mundane tasks other busy people don’t have the time for.
17. Online English (language) teaching –
Start teaching students eager to learn your language right from the comfort of your own home.
18. Testing tutor –
All potential students need to take tests and will pay a high price if you can help them pass the test.
19. Social Media Manager –
With great social media awareness, you can help increase a business’s social media profile and make money.
20. Ad Specialist –
Become a consultant to help online businesses or local companies fine-tune their advertisements and bring in real results.
21. Presentation Design Specialist– PowerPoint is still big, and business people can outsource the design and completion of their presentations to you.
22. Travel Consultation –
If you have experience of a travel destination, or in general, you can consult people on the best way to make travel plans.
23. Landing page consultation –
With a good idea for landing page conversion, you can help businesses optimize their pages to increase sales.
24. Interior designer –
Help homeowners, businesses, and others create unique, fantastic interiors that they’ll love—and pay you a lot for.
25. Personal Stylist –
If you have an eye for fashion, provide personalized styling consultation to help your clients dress amazingly.
26. Social media marketing –
Help business figure out how to market their products and if you bring in great measurable results, you’ll have consistent clients.
27. Property management –
Help landlords manage their many properties, which requires many skills, including the occasional handyman work.
28. Wedding Planner –
A Wedding Planner is a professional who assists with the design, planning, and management of client's wedding .. try to use the power of social media.
29. Sell on Ebay –
Alternatively, you can sell your products for varying prices on the world’s biggest online auction site.
30. Fiverr or Upwork –
Begin to offer up a variety of services on the popular freelancing marketplaces.
31. College admissions essays consultant –
If you have experience in the field, lots of parents are willing to pay top dollar for your assistance.
32. Personal trainer –
Help people become the best they can be in their physical weight and strengthening goals.
33. Tutoring –
There are a variety of things to help people with, such as language, writing, arts, and more.
34. Large item recycling –
When large items need to be broken down and sorted correctly or taking to the proper locations, you can help and get paid.
35. Translator –
With fluency in two or more languages, you can help translate important documents and even books for great prices.
36. Antique goods sales –
Find and purchase quality antique goods and see your income rise month-on-month.
37. Event planning –
Organizing an event often takes people away from enjoying it, which is why they’ll pay you to put it all together.
38. House painting –
By yourself or with the right team, you can paint people’s homes in a few days and make great money.
39. Woodworking –
If you have the right knowledge and tools, you can build customized wooden products for a great price.
40. Resume writing –
Everyone needs a great resume, and with your amazing skills and experience, you can help them write the perfect resumes for the perfect job.
41. Niche fiction writing –
If you write in these niche markets, you can sell your products on Amazon and build up your income.
42. Writing greeting cards –
Short, poetic, and popular, greeting cards need to be constantly updated, unique and fresh.
43. WordPress consultant –
With so many blogs and sites popping up, site owners will need your WordPress expertise to help them express their ideas.
44. Uber / Careem driver –
If you have a car, you can start driving when you have the time, and then increase your driving as the demand increases.
45. Rent out your home on AirBnB –
Why let all those rooms sit unused—rent it out at great rates and see what passive income is all about.
46. App developer –
With training that you can do informally, start developing apps for businesses and entrepreneurs.
47. Flip domain names –
Buy domain names based on your research on trends and emerging markets, and sell them for a much higher price.
48. Refurbish used electronics –
Buy or take for free people’s old or broken electronics, fix them, and sell them for a nice price.
49. Copywriting –
Help businesses write compelling copy to help them sell their business ideas, products, and services.
50. Online surveys –
Although not particularly interesting, organizations still pay money to have people take their surveys.
51. Ghostwriting –
People are willing to pay much more for your writing skills, if you don’t mind never receiving any credit.
52. Online subcontracting –
Take on a job, and begin contracting it out to other freelancers for a lower price, making money for passing on the work.
53. Freelance e-book writing –
Write e-books in niche genres, such as horror, erotic fiction, or many others where your writing talents will bring you in great money.
54. Computer repair –
Help repair people’s computers, so that they don’t have to spend a lot of money on replacing them.
55. Real estate consultant –Help future homeowners find the right home for them and their families. This requires knowledge of the area and a good idea for fitting the home to the buyers
1. Online Coaching –
If you have skills in a demanded field, start selling your coaching, either online or in-person.
2. Graphic design –
With digital increasing, graphic design is more in-demand than ever, and just needs a computer and basic software.
3. Web design –
Almost everyone has a website these days, and many will need their sites to be personalized the way they want.
4. Website development –
When the client knows how the site should look, you can do the coding and get paid.
5. Ebooks –
This is like coaching but through a book. Self-publishing is so easy nowadays, why not sell your knowledge through e-books.
6. Podcasting –
Get some great topics and interesting guests, and people will pay money to hear your podcasts.
7. YouTube Vlogger –
YouTube stars get money from affiliate sales, sponsorships, and advertising revenue.
8. Amazon reselling –
Reselling other people’s products on Amazon can reap huge benefits for you.
9. Handyman –
As we explain in our full, free guide, handyman work varies a lot, and you can start with smaller jobs if you have few tools.
10. Landscaping –
If you have the basic equipment and energy, you can do landscaping for commercial and residential properties.
11. Home-based Bakery –
If you love baking, why not make a lot at one time and sell them off to shops and homes.
12. Personal Chef –
If you love cooking and others compliment you constantly, set you up as a freelance personal chef.
13. Blogging based on Industry Knowledge –
If your knowledge is valuable, set up a blog. As a bonus, you can begin setting advertising immediately, and as your blog grows, so will your wallet.
14. Phone and Tablet Cases –
Everyone has a smartphone or tablet, and you can take advantage of the market by selling unique cases.
15. Affiliate Sales –
Anytime anyone buys a product through a link on your site, you get a percentage of sales.
16. Virtual Assistant –
VAs are needed throughout the business world to do the more mundane tasks other busy people don’t have the time for.
17. Online English (language) teaching –
Start teaching students eager to learn your language right from the comfort of your own home.
18. Testing tutor –
All potential students need to take tests and will pay a high price if you can help them pass the test.
19. Social Media Manager –
With great social media awareness, you can help increase a business’s social media profile and make money.
20. Ad Specialist –
Become a consultant to help online businesses or local companies fine-tune their advertisements and bring in real results.
21. Presentation Design Specialist– PowerPoint is still big, and business people can outsource the design and completion of their presentations to you.
22. Travel Consultation –
If you have experience of a travel destination, or in general, you can consult people on the best way to make travel plans.
23. Landing page consultation –
With a good idea for landing page conversion, you can help businesses optimize their pages to increase sales.
24. Interior designer –
Help homeowners, businesses, and others create unique, fantastic interiors that they’ll love—and pay you a lot for.
25. Personal Stylist –
If you have an eye for fashion, provide personalized styling consultation to help your clients dress amazingly.
26. Social media marketing –
Help business figure out how to market their products and if you bring in great measurable results, you’ll have consistent clients.
27. Property management –
Help landlords manage their many properties, which requires many skills, including the occasional handyman work.
28. Wedding Planner –
A Wedding Planner is a professional who assists with the design, planning, and management of client's wedding .. try to use the power of social media.
29. Sell on Ebay –
Alternatively, you can sell your products for varying prices on the world’s biggest online auction site.
30. Fiverr or Upwork –
Begin to offer up a variety of services on the popular freelancing marketplaces.
31. College admissions essays consultant –
If you have experience in the field, lots of parents are willing to pay top dollar for your assistance.
32. Personal trainer –
Help people become the best they can be in their physical weight and strengthening goals.
33. Tutoring –
There are a variety of things to help people with, such as language, writing, arts, and more.
34. Large item recycling –
When large items need to be broken down and sorted correctly or taking to the proper locations, you can help and get paid.
35. Translator –
With fluency in two or more languages, you can help translate important documents and even books for great prices.
36. Antique goods sales –
Find and purchase quality antique goods and see your income rise month-on-month.
37. Event planning –
Organizing an event often takes people away from enjoying it, which is why they’ll pay you to put it all together.
38. House painting –
By yourself or with the right team, you can paint people’s homes in a few days and make great money.
39. Woodworking –
If you have the right knowledge and tools, you can build customized wooden products for a great price.
40. Resume writing –
Everyone needs a great resume, and with your amazing skills and experience, you can help them write the perfect resumes for the perfect job.
41. Niche fiction writing –
If you write in these niche markets, you can sell your products on Amazon and build up your income.
42. Writing greeting cards –
Short, poetic, and popular, greeting cards need to be constantly updated, unique and fresh.
43. WordPress consultant –
With so many blogs and sites popping up, site owners will need your WordPress expertise to help them express their ideas.
44. Uber / Careem driver –
If you have a car, you can start driving when you have the time, and then increase your driving as the demand increases.
45. Rent out your home on AirBnB –
Why let all those rooms sit unused—rent it out at great rates and see what passive income is all about.
46. App developer –
With training that you can do informally, start developing apps for businesses and entrepreneurs.
47. Flip domain names –
Buy domain names based on your research on trends and emerging markets, and sell them for a much higher price.
48. Refurbish used electronics –
Buy or take for free people’s old or broken electronics, fix them, and sell them for a nice price.
49. Copywriting –
Help businesses write compelling copy to help them sell their business ideas, products, and services.
50. Online surveys –
Although not particularly interesting, organizations still pay money to have people take their surveys.
51. Ghostwriting –
People are willing to pay much more for your writing skills, if you don’t mind never receiving any credit.
52. Online subcontracting –
Take on a job, and begin contracting it out to other freelancers for a lower price, making money for passing on the work.
53. Freelance e-book writing –
Write e-books in niche genres, such as horror, erotic fiction, or many others where your writing talents will bring you in great money.
54. Computer repair –
Help repair people’s computers, so that they don’t have to spend a lot of money on replacing them.
55. Real estate consultant –Help future homeowners find the right home for them and their families. This requires knowledge of the area and a good idea for fitting the home to the buyers
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Skills Development | تطوير المهـــــارات
Skills Development | تطوير المهـــــارات عشان تنجـــح وتحقق كل أهدافك, انت محتاج مجموعة خطوات أهمها انك تعرف نفسك كويس وتحدد إمكانيا...
GREAT BUSINESS IDEAS You Can Start On Today. 1. Online Coaching – If you have skills in a demanded f...
Skills Development | تطوير المهـــــارات عشان تنجـــح وتحقق كل أهدافك, انت محتاج مجموعة خطوات أهمها انك تعرف نفسك كويس وتحدد إمكانيا...